
Information for Faculty and Staff

Welcome to the 学生Counseling website. 在你的职业生涯中,你可能会遇到一些学生,他们正处于痛苦之中,或者正在与心理健康问题作斗争. 下面的信息提供了指导,在您处理这些情况时可能会有所帮助.


How do I refer a student for counseling?

如果你关心一个学生,并希望他们转介咨询, 请敦促学生联系学生咨询315-464-3120安排预约. 请注意,除了学生之外,没有人可以为该学生安排预约. 如果你愿意, 你可以联系学生咨询,通知我们你已经推荐了一个学生来接受服务.

我很关心一个学生,但不知道是否需要推荐. 我该怎么办呢??

临床工作人员可以与您讨论您对学生的担忧,并帮助指导您的反应. Referrals to SCS are appropriate when…

  • 学生表现出潜在心理健康问题的行为或其他迹象(见下文).
  • 这个问题似乎损害了学生的学习能力.
  • The problem is more serious than you feel comfortable handling.
  • 你已经和学生谈过了,但觉得需要额外的帮助.
  • The student is not willing to talk with you about a problem.
  • 你不确定你的师生关系是否会影响你处理问题的能力.
  • 学生要求提供你无法提供的信息或帮助.
  • 你被一个不断寻求你帮助的学生弄得筋疲力尽.

What are signs of student distress?

不合群, declining academic performance, significant difficulty concentrating, 卫生方面的改变, 杂乱的思想, 乱七八糟的演讲, 慢性易怒, 经常哭泣, unusual lack of participation, 非理性, unusual changes in energy, and threatening statements (e.g., 我不在乎了, 我只是觉得我不能继续下去,也不想继续下去)所有这些迹象都可能表明这个学生正处于严重的痛苦之中.

What do I say to a troubled student?

我们建议你安排一个时间与学生单独见面. Avoid discussing your concerns in front of the student’s peers, 因为这可能会导致学生产生羞辱感和增加防御心理.

In that meeting, be specific when stating your concerns. 坚持描述你关心的行为或变化,避免给学生贴标签或询问心理健康诊断或状况. 仔细听, exude a caring style, 避免任何听起来武断或轻蔑的言论. You may find that your contact alone is all the student needs to address the concerns you have; however, 如果你觉得你与学生的接触效果有限,或者你认为学生需要更多的帮助, consider a referral to SCS. If you suspect a student may be suicidal, 必须温和而直接地询问学生是否想要自杀或伤害自己. If the student reports plans for suicide or self-harm, immediate contact with University Police (x44000) is warranted.


If referring a student to 学生Counseling is awkward for you, it may help to talk with SCS staff about the matter. 从合作/解决问题的角度接近学生.g., 我注意到你有一些困难,我想知道你是否想和大学辅导员谈谈。, will likely reduce your own discomfort, as well as the student’s. If you feel you are simply too uncomfortable to make a referral, 寻求同事或院长的帮助,与你和学生见面,解决你们的问题.

What if a student is reluctant to seek help?

学生们通常害怕得到帮助,尤其担心保密问题. 如果你决定转诊,我们建议你询问这些恐惧. 简单地承认和正常化学生的恐惧可能会减轻他们. 学生可能会觉得他们需要帮助是个人失败的表现. 在这种情况下, 提醒你的学生,面对自己的问题是一种力量的象征, rather than weakness, 即使是最成功的学生和专业人士有时也需要帮助.

学生有时会担心服务的保密性. 你应该告诉学生,通过学生咨询提供的服务是保密的,没有人会被告知他们参加了这项服务.

Cost is often another concern. 如果是这种情况,提醒学生,通过学生咨询服务是免费的.

What if a student refuses help?

一些学生可以从帮助中受益,但拒绝预约. 重要的是要记住,你可以关心你的学生的幸福, but cannot force them get help. If you have concerns about a student’s mental health, 记录你的担忧和努力,以支持学生,并建议他们寻求帮助,并考虑与你的主席或院长谈论你的担忧. 记住,即使学生一开始拒绝寻求帮助,他们以后也可能会改变主意.

如果你遇到一个积极自杀的学生,你应该立即联系公共安全或, 如果校外, 拨打911, even if the student resists such help.

In cases where a student is acting in a very unusual, 令人担忧的, erratic or disruptive manner, you should immediately contact Public Safety, 院长办公室, 和/或 Campus Awareness and Riske Evaluation 团队.


如果你担心一个学生表现出破坏性, erratic behavior or signs of mental health problems, consider contacting the Campus Awareness Risk Evaluation team to discuss your concerns and get help for the student.

What is the Campus Awareness and Risk Evaluation team?

“关怀”委员会由来自大学各地的教职员工组成. 该团队接收并回应有关学生行为的报告,并努力确保对那些行为可能对自己或他人造成破坏或伤害的学生做出适当的反应. In cases deemed appropriate for CARE involvement, the team will assign members to meet with the student, determine a course of action, and provide a report to the Dean of Student Affairs. 看到这个 页面 了解更多信息.

A few words about 保密ity...

学生与SCS分享的信息在法律上是保密的 保密. Faculty and staff may consult with 学生Counseling about their concerns about students; however, 州法律和道德实践准则禁止我们在没有学生书面授权的情况下分享他们的信息.

Thank you for helping us to better serve our students.